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  • Linux网络服务器配置与管理(漳州职业技术学院)


  • 网络组建与互联(长春职业技术学院2009 年国家级精品课程)


  • Linux服务器配置与管理(芜湖职业技术学院2009省级精品课程)

    课程性质 本课程内容以Linux操作系统为原型,目的在于通过对网络操作系统和服务器配置与管理的讲解,使学生掌握Linux网络操作系统的实际应用、系统管理及网络管理...

  • 电子商务应用(深圳职业技术学院2005 年国家级精品课程)


  • Linux操作系统应用(湖北职业技术学院)


  • Internet应用基础(河北工业职业技术学院国家级精品课程)

    第1阶段(1999~2001):课程开设及其探索阶段    2000 年以前,计算机网络基础作为计算机专业类的重要基础课,在全系所有专业开设,当时“Internet应用基础”仅仅是计算机网络基础课程中所包含的一个章 节...

  • Linux基础(广东轻工职业技术学院)


  • 动态Web技术(JSP)(深圳职业技术学院2006 年国家级精品课程)


  • Linux操作系统桌面管理(深圳职业技术学院)

    是计算机应用技术专业的专业核心课,主要学习Red Flag Linux Server的使用与管理方法,以及基于Red Flag Linux平台实现主流网络服务的方法...

  • Linux操作系统应用基础(成都东软信息技术职业学院)


  • Linux系统管理和维护(无锡科技职业学院)


  • Linux操作系统服务器管理(深圳职业技术学院)

    《Linux操作系统服务器管理》是计算机应用技术专业的专业核心课,主要学习Red Flag Linux Server的使用与管理方法,以及基于Red Flag Linux平台实现主流网络服务的方法...

  • 数据结构(吉林大学)


  • Practical Programming in C

    This course provides a thorough introduction to the C programming language, the workhorse of the UNIX operating system and lingua franca of embedded processors and...

  • eCommunities: Analysis and Design of Online Inter

    This course gives students a background in theory and practice surrounding online interaction environments. For the purpose of this course, a community is defined as a group of people ...

  • Game Theory

    This is a standard course in "game theory," designed with the School of Information MSI students as the primary audience. This course is the pre-requisite for several ICD courses...

  • Introduction to Algorithms

    This course provides an introduction to mathematical modeling of computational problems. It covers the common algorithms, algorithmic paradigms, and data structures used to solve...

  • Network and Computer Security

    6.857 is an upper-level undergraduate, first-year graduate course on network and computer security. It fits within the department's Computer Systems and Architecture Engineering...

  • Database Systems

    This course relies on primary readings from the database community to introduce graduate students to the foundations of database systems, focusing on basics such as...

  • Elements of Software Construction

    This course introduces fundamental principles and techniques of software development. Students learn how to write software that is safe from bugs, easy to understand, and ready for change...

  • Introduction to Programming in Java

    This course is an introduction to software engineering, using the Java™ programming language. It covers concepts useful to 6.005. Students will learn the fundamentals of Java...

  • Kernel-Based Learning

    This course introduces the students to one of the most influential developments in modern machine learning, namely kernel methods. The course will be focused on familiarizing...

  • Software Engineering for Web Applications

    6.171 is a course for students who already have some programming and software engineering experience. The goal is to give students some experience in dealing with those challenges...

  • Artificial Intelligence

    This course introduces students to the basic knowledge representation, problem solving, and learning methods of artificial intelligence. Upon completion of 6.034...


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